My doctorate in Computer
Science focused on assistive technology for persons
with cognitive impairments - based on a
socio-technical approach to Human-Computer
Interaction. I am now working in San Sebastian Spain,
at the Tecnalia
Foundation. I currently focus on
socio-technical systems supporting successful
aging in place, with an emphasis on pre-Alzheimer
diminished cognitive abilities. My
postdoc work was at the BIKA
group at the Fraunhofer
for Applied Information Technology (FIT) in
Sankt Augustin, Germany working on several European
Commission Projects.
Previous Research programes
Past School Projects.
MAPS : MAPS - Memory Aiding Prompting
System - my PhD topic research - the open source code
for the system is available on request
I: Automatic Call Distribution
Notification and Screen Popping for Hotel Reservations
- Winter/Spring 1997. My company sponsored this
project. The custom screen popping and multimedia
interface to the ACD system is still used and provides
an important service at Express Reservations.
: User Interface for The Answer Place, Winter/Spring
1992. My senior software project here at CU
boulder. Turns out we designed a web browser and
composer in Visual Basic in 1992!